SEA(S) Sports – Submissions


For information and application related to SUBMISSIONS for  Sea Sports and Sea Activities kindly please contact   by email :

Health  certificate: ALL the applicants for the sea  sport events & activities are requested to provide a valid health  certificate and covid vaccine proof, both signed and stamped by a doctor,( all contact details of the doctor to be available).

Entry  and  Participation fees:  For all the submissions will be required a. formal registration fee euro 50 for every participant. b. The course/training/ sea sports and  activities  fee , which will be  based on the specific needs(for  use of equipment, training and attendance,rescue  personnel) of the submitted program.

past events



OPEN TO: Participants  from all over the world, welcoming Sea Sports Clubs, Sea Sports  Training Schools,Organisations  and Sea Sports Teams,Universities, Athletes, Professionals and individuals Sea Sports lovers of all ages. Sea Sports Equipment  Construction & Supplies Experts ,Rowing- Swimming Technologies and Sea Sports Material Experts.

Opening date for applications:  February 15th 

Deadlines:  May 30th  for Sea Sports events of June 

June  30th  for Sea Sports events of July and August

Perspective  participants are invited to :

Formally apply for  the SEA(S) SPORTS   by email addressed  to   the sea sports  organizing team (that will be soon announced before the 15th of February )

 In all cases the applicants are invited to follow the terms and conditions.

Entry  and  Participation fees:  For all participants the fee is Euro 100for one(1) day course.Participations are confirmed after the payment of the fees, payable before the deadlines.

The above pricing applies to the Sea Sports events  and the Homeric route ”Odysseus Diaplous”

Late entries :On site entries are welcome, subjected to the program details and numbers of participants.Must be submitted no later than the day before the scheduled event as regards  personal participations and 7 days before the scheduled event date as regards  organized teams or group participations. Fees for the above late entries start from euro 80 per person.

T‐Shirts & tickets for the Awards ceremony and gala night  are included  in the fees.

Safety and Protection: ALL events and activities are taking place in safe waters,  involving the permanent  presence of a  doctor,  lifeguards, supporting personnel consisted by professionals and volunteers and applied standard safety water and first aid equipment and conditions.Rescue personnel will be present during all the events. Kayakers will patrol the courses . Motorized boat also will be available for emergency assistance during the events.

Health  certificate:ALL the Participants applying for the  sport events & activities will be requested to provide a valid health  certificate,  signed and stamped by a doctor,( all contact details of the doctor to be available).

Drinking water will be offered free for all participants.

Sea Water temperature  between  21- 25 C degrees .

For information related to SUBMISSIONS for  Sea Sports and Activities  kindly please contact  by email or phone call the sea sports  organizing team (that will be soon announced )

currently please contact by email :